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Navy builds two-storey building for school on Mandaitivu Island and rehabilitates another



A student receives a gift from the Navy Commander

The Navy recently completed the construction of a new two storeyed building at the Roman Catholic School in the Mandaitivu Island. This building, along with another rehabilitated one, was handed over to the school authorities on Monday by Navy Commander Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenna.

The Bishop of Jaffna, Justin Gnanaprakasham, parish priest of the island and naval and administrative officers of the area were present.

School children

This was a part of the Naval Social Responsibility (NSR) Project and it coincided with the 70th anniversary of the Navy. The objective of the project was to enhance facilities at rural schools. (DR)

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Government prioritises development of 2000km of rural roads in Northern and Eastern provinces




The  government has identified that development of rural roads is one of the prominent activity of the government’s development agenda and it has planned to introduce a broad access for renovation of roads, construction and maintenance.

Accordingly, it has been decided to prioritize to develop 1,500 kilometres of roads within the northern province and 500 kilometres of roads within the eastern province representing every divisional secretariat division, since most of the roads in the northern and eastern provinces are in dilapidated condition.

Contribution of the public, Community Based Organizations and local government institutions will be obtained to select roads for renovation and upgrading and, approval of the relevant divisional coordination
committee and district coordination committee will be obtained for the recommended road list.

Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution submitted by the Minister of Transport, Highways, Ports and Civil Aviation to implement the proposed rural roads enhancement / upgrading programme in northern and eastern provinces.

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Order issued as per production tax (special provisions) act and notification issued as per Excise Ordinance to be presented to Parliament




The Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the
President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Plan Implementation and Economic Development to submit the  order issued under section 3 of the production tax (special provisions) act No. 13 of 1989, (published in the extraordinary gazette notification No. 2418 / 43 dated 10.01.2025)  and  the  notification No. 01/2025 dated 10.01.2025 issued under section 22 of the Excise Ordinance (Authority 52), (published in the extraordinary gazette notification No. 2418 / 42 dated 10.01.2025 ) for the concurrence of Parliament .

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Paddy Marketing Board Act No. 14 of 1971 to be amended




The Paddy Marketing Board Act No. 14 of

The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the proposal submitted by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Lands and Irrigation to take necessary measures to revise the Paddy Marketing Board Act No. 14 of 1971.

(The Paddy Marketing Board Act No. 14 of 1971 has  legitimate provisions to establish a board for the purchase of paddy and rice, marketing, supply, milling, polishing and processing as an enterprise and for corresponding matters accompanied with services relevant to it. But 54 years have passed without any updates or revisions)

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