The Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemen’s Association was held on Sunday, 30 April 2023 at Eagle’s Lakeside, Attidiya amidst nearly 550 members gathered from 48 affiliated associations and Maj Gen Upul Perera, was unanimously re-elected as the President of the Association for the fifth consecutive year. Along with him, others who were elected for the Board of Management were Major General Mahinda Ambanpola as Vice President (Army), SA Ariyaratne (Master Chief Petty Officer) as Vice President (Navy), Wing Commander Malinda Wijenayake as Vice President (Air Force), Lt Col Ajith Siyambalapitiya as Secretary General and Major Shanthilal Kankanamge as the Treasurer of the association.
Sri Lanka Ex -Servicemen’s Association (SLESA) is the largest single veteran organization of retirees of Tri Forces, headquartered at Bristol Street, Colombo 1. SLESA was formed in 1944, with an objective of fostering the spirit of comradeship and esprit de corps among all ranks of Ceylon Ex – Servicemen who served in world wars one 1914 -1918) & two ( 1938 – 1945) in order to provide assistance & promote their welfare. The active membership of SLESA, both male & female, is well over 50,000 at present. The SLESA was incorporated by Act No 8 of 1976 of Parliament and it was a much significant recognition to the Association. This was again amended to suit the requirements as Act No 42 of 1992. In line with the Parliamentary Act, the SLESA is governed by its own rules constituted at the General Assembly.
Elected President, Major General Upul Perera has served the Sri Lanka Army as a commissioned officer for nearly 35 years and has held numerous strategic appointments in the Army prior to his retirement as the Deputy Chief of Staff in December 2010. He is a member of the Corps of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers and has done his engineering and management studies locally as well as overseas and possesses a vast knowledge in both fields.
After retirement, he joined the Private Sector and is currently serving as a Consultant for a leading company in the Island. He has also contributed his services as the President of the Institute of Management of Sri Lanka, President of United Nations Association of Sri Lanka and President of Sri Lanka Amateur Baseball and Softball Association and currently is serving as the President of Institute of Automotive Engineers of Sri Lanka in addition to his appointment as the President of Sri Lanka Ex-Servicemen’s Association. He has also functioned as a Director / Councilor of Asian Association of Management Organizations and functions, at present, as a Council Member of International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies.