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DC Colombo issues enjoining order against Ports Authorty unions



District Court of Colombo yesterday (27) issued an Enjoining Order against the Trade Unions of the Ports Authority preventing trade union action scheduled for today (28). The SLPA complained to Court that if the trade union action as launched, as scheduled, it would be contrary to the collective agreement in force and will have an adverse impact to the entire country and its economy. The trade unions appeared in Court and sought to make out that several unions were not parties to the collective agreement and had stated SLPA made an attempt to mislead Court. However, having considered the material placed before Court, the District Court issued the Enjoining Order preventing any trade union action which would hamper the operations of the SLPA. Mr. Kaushalya Nawaratne PC with Ms. Manoda Mohotti AAL appeared for the SLPA whilst Mr. Thishya Weragoda AAL appeared for the Defendant unions.

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Navy takes hold of over 140kg of Kerala cannabis in northern waters




The Navy retrieved about 140kg and 40g (wet weight) of Kerala cannabis adrift in the sea, during a search operation conducted off the Kalmunai Point, Jaffna in the wee hours of today (17 Feb 25).

To combat illegal activities, including drug trafficking via sea routes, the Navy conducts continuous patrols and surveillance operations along the coastal and maritime boundaries of the island.

As an extension of these efforts, SLNS Welusumana belonging to the Northern Naval Command conducted this search operation off the Kalmunai Point, Jaffna. The operation resulted in the recovery of about 140kg and 40g (wet weight) of Kerala cannabis in 04 suspicious sacks, adrift in waters.

It is believed that the smugglers, unable to bring the consignment of Kerala cannabis to shore due to the presence of the Navy, may have abandoned it at sea.

The estimated street value of this stock of Kerala cannabis  is believed to exceed Rs. 56 million.

Meanwhile, the stock of Kerala cannabis was handed over to the Divisional Crime Detective Bureau, Jaffna for onward legal proceedings.

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Speaker of Parliament endorses the certificate on the Local Authorities Elections (Special Provisions) Bill




The  Speaker, (Dr.) Jagath Wickramaratne endorsed the certificate on the Local Authorities Elections (Special Provisions) Bill on 17.02.2025 in Parliament, in accordance with Article 79 of the Constitution.
The Second Reading debate related to the Bill was held today (17) from 2.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. and was passed in Parliament with a special majority, without amendments.
The Local Authorities Elections (Special Provisions) Bill was presented to the Parliament on the 09th of January 2025 for its First Reading.
Accordingly, this Bill shall come into effect as the Local Authorities Elections (Special Provisions) Act No. 01 of 2025.
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Rs 200 million allocated to establish treatment centre for children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, including Autism




The government will allocate Rs. 200 million to establish a treatment center for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities with international standards at the Lady Ridgeway Children’s Hospital (LRH).

Further, efforts will be made to establish similar kind of treatment centers in every district with the necessary human resources within the next five years.

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