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Belarusian fitness for life!



The little country of Belarus, located in Northeastern Europe, has some big ideas. Every year it stages its ‘fitness for life’ festival in Minsk, its capital. This is the opportunity for young Belarus gymnasts to entertain the audience with their newly acquired skills, including demonstrations of coordinated dancing and other team gymnastics activities. Because there is a long circus tradition in Belarus, circus tricks and astonishing gymnastic skills are displayed, using circus equipment to enthrall audiences.

The educational authorities place emphasis on physical fitness of the young by encouraging them to attend classes, where they learn the usual bending and stretching exercises for the purpose of taking part in team dancing, sports and gymnastics competitions. Gymnastic schools occasionally put on a show, which displays their talent and it is judged by a panel of experts. The participants gain medals and awards, which they then display proudly at home for their relatives to see and admire.

The authorities have built around the country several game halls where young people can play around by dropping, jumping and bouncing around on pits full of sponges, or on trampolines, climbing nets, or swinging on ropes, etc. The training gymnasiums and these places, of course encourage fitness in young people, which can remain with them for life. This is one of the fun-benefits from their Communist legacy.

Most of the participants in these displays of fitness activity are young girls and women, who recognize the importance of fitness for them, personally, for their lives – because keeping a good body shape, being strong and encouraging good blood circulation especially to the brain, can only bring great benefits throughout the rest of their lives.

It can be mentioned that these game halls are ideal places to spend those cold, dull and gray winter days of which Belarus has many. They also provide distractions away from waiting around the house or creating mischief in the locality, as young boys are liable to do.

Because using the circus equipment and performing on stage to a high standard requires a high degree of concentration, so the children must learn to concentrate to succeed. This improved concentration is a very valuable asset, which renders them capable, more competent human beings, also of great benefit to the society they live in.

Belarus is governed by President Lukashenko, who claims 80% of the vote, but critics say, more realistically he has around a 65% majority. There is a good reason for this popularity – he does what is best for the people of Belarus. Belarusians look at what has happened to Ukraine with horror. Fortunately, Lukashenko is able to keep NATO at arm’s length. Belarus is economically well integrated with Russia, and the quality of life of people is good. Wages are not high but the towns have many amenities and facilities. The shops are well stocked, modern and clean, and towns are well laid out, spacious and clean. Surrounding the towns are many wooded parks to walk in and people like this.

They are the proud custodians of the last herd of European Bison, a friendly but huge animal with a shaggy, wooly mane around its neck and shoulders. It has been adopted as their national mascot.


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When absolute power corrupts absolutely



Only Americans can elect a maverick like Donald Trump as President a second time to take office as the 47th President.

Dozens of countries have expressed “unwavering support” for the International Criminal Court (ICC) after US President Donald Trump imposed sanctions on its staff. A majority of member states, including the UK, Germany and France, said that the ICC was “a vital pillar of the international justice system”. Trump announced the sanctions after hosting Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – the first foreign leader to visit him since returning to power. Last year, the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu over alleged war crimes in Gaza – which Israel denies – as well as for a Hamas commander. The US has condemned the court’s “shameful moral equivalency” between Israel and Hamas.

The US and Israel do not recognise the authority of the ICC, the only global court with powers to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. It has also previously launched investigations into US citizens. The ICC counts 125 member states around the world, including the UK and many European nations. The UK, France and Germany were among the 79 signatories to a joint statement issued on Friday to condemn Trump’s executive order. Australia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy were conspicuous by their absence! The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a global court with the power to bring prosecutions for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. US President Donald Trump has announced sanctions against the court, which he accuses of “illegitimate and baseless actions targeting America and our close ally Israel”. They are partners in crime! The court, based in the Dutch city of The Hague, was established in 2002 to hold rogue leaders responsible for atrocities to account. World leaders had increasingly pushed for its creation in the wake of the Yugoslav wars and the Rwandan Genocide. It is a court of last resort, intervening only when national authorities cannot, or will not, prosecute. It can only deal with crimes committed after 1 July 2002, when the Rome Statute – which established the court – came into force.

The Rome Statute has been ratified by 125 countries, including the UK and many European nations. More than 30 others have signed and may ratify it in the future.

However, the US and Israel are not members of the ICC. Judges at the court said there were “reasonable grounds” that Netanyahu and his former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, and Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif bore “criminal responsibility for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity”.

The Rome Statute has been ratified by 125 countries, including the UK and many European nations. More than 30 others have signed and may ratify it in the future.

It is sheer hypocrisy to see how the so called democracies condemn unequivocally invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s Russia while illegal occupation of Palestine by Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is acceptable to Trump who seems to think he owns USA to do whatever he wants! Fair to say all the same some aspects of his political agenda under the caption of “America First” – deport illegal immigrants, to impose heavy tariffs to contain China flooding the world with its manufactured goods, etc., do make sense. But, as leader of the world’s richest country, he cannot behave like a loose cannon!

Sunil Dharmabandhu
Wales, UK

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The Birth of the Harry Jayawardena Empire (1977)



Harry Jayawardena

When I heard of the death of Harry Jayawardena, I remember the reaction of my father when he heard of the death of H.V.Perera , a legend of the legal profession in post independence days. My father H.A.J Hulugalle spluttered “A mighty oak has fallen”. I felt very much the same when I heard of Harry’s death.

It feels almost ridiculous for an 87-year-old like myself to write an appreciation of Harry Jayawardena. He was such an overwhelming public figure. My main qualification for doing this is that I saw his ascent over 48 years.

Not many knew of him back then in 1977, though some may have recognized him as the dynamic Manager in the Consolexpos’ Tea Department.

Harry, like my brother Haris Hulugalle, was a strong supporter of Mrs. Bandaranaike’s policies and stood by her through thick and thin.

While working for Mrs. Bandaranaike, especially during the 1977 election, my brother Haris could see Harry’s exceptional abilities. But after Mrs. Bandaranaike’s party was routed by the UNP, Harry knew his days as the Manager at Consolexpo were numbered. Feeling disheartened and demoralized, he confided in Haris about his uncertain future.

Harry was brought into our office and reassured, “If you cannot return to Consolexpo, we will help you start your own tea business.” Harry’s concern was, “But where will we get the money, Sir?” he asked us. “We’ll find it. Just come to our office, and we’ll give you some chairs and tables, and you can start working right away if you have the business to back it.” Our office was at “Holywell”, 90, Galle Road Kollupitiya, a hundred year old dilapidated office built by the Steuarts. Today, Seylan Bank has replaced “Holywell” with a modern office Building.

Harry accepted the invitation and 13 members of his staff from Consolexpo were housed in a hall in relatively simple surroundings in our humble but vibrant office. This was 1977 and life was in any case much simpler.

Barely, 10 days before Harry passed away, he telephoned me and spoke about those days. He told me that he missed Haris very much. Did Harry have the premonition that his days were numbered and he was going to meet Haris elsewhere?

Harry throughout his business career claimed that it was Haris who had inspired him on his business trajectory. There is some element of truth in this. Haris was born on the March 3, 1930, birthday of C.H. de Soysa. Dr D.E. Wijewardene, brother of D.R.Wijewardene, a leading gynecologist while delivering the baby proclaimed “C.H. de Soysa is reborn”.

Harry and Haris had a common interest in business and that was to create businesses for the common betterment.

At that time Haris and I operated a successful printing and publishing establishment which enabled us to support Harry on his new venture. Haris had recognized Harry as a genius, way beyond his own capacity.

At that stage, there were three matters that had to be attended to at the Sri Lankan end. They were 1) formation of a company, 2) relationship with a Bank and 3) a license to trade in tea for export.

To form a company, we needed a name. We asked Harry “What are your names?”

“Harold” said Harry.

Harry Jayawardana (right) with Haris Hulugalle (left) at a wedding reception. The bridegroom is in the center

“That won’t do. Have you any other names?” said Haris.

“Yes, I am Don Harold Stassen” came the answer.

The quick reply was “Stassen it has to be”. So the name was accepted without any further discussion. The name of this future conglomerate was born.

The next move was to establish a relationship with the Bank. The relationship with the new government was hostile towards Harry. No State Bank would touch him.

Harry and V.P.Vittachi, who later was Chairman of Stassens went to the Commercial Bank. There they drew a blank. Co-laterals were asked for leading to a refusal of granting a facility.

I then went with Harry to the DGM Hatton National Bank, L.S.D.Peiris. Peiris listened to the young Harry, who Sir d him from beginning to the end of the conversation. Harry had Letters of Credit from first class Middle Eastern Banks. Another DGM, Gaston Goonewardene was brought into the discussion and the deal was sealed.

The facility given was Rs 250,000 Overdraft and Rs 1,000,000 packing credit. Ten years later Harry took control of the Bank as its Chairman.

I am not familiar with the story of the Tea License. That I understand would have been negotiated by V.P. Vittachi using his civil service connection to Ronnie de Mel, the Minister Of Finance.

Many others will have interesting narratives about the birth of Stassens. What I touch here is what I saw firsthand. Harry Jayawardena created an Empire which was in the league of C.H. de Soysa (who owned 80,000 acres of land) and other outstanding entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka.

I will deeply miss Harry, his sincerity and friendship. He was a devout Catholic, his faith served as the intellectual and spiritual foundation that fueled his dynamism. He cherished his family—his wife, Priya, and their three children.

Arjuna Hulugalle

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Illegal fishing by Tamil Nadu fishermen



Indian fishermen poaching use appropriate

I refer to your excellent editorial appearing in your issue of Feb. 2 on the above matter. As mentioned therein, this is a longstanding thorny issue between the Tamil Nadu government through its proxy New Delhi and the Government of Sri Lanka. There had been several discussions in the past on this issue between New Delhi and Colombo. Unfortunately on every such occasion the parties failed to arrive at a lasting solution although there is nothing called lasting solutions to ever evolving problems of the world, so to say. However, that should not demoralize us in our attempts at finding a just and practicable solution to this irritating problem that has, so far, evaded a satisfactory solution.

In the meanwhile the poaching goes on amidst sudden flare -ups between our Navy and the TN fishermen who are invading our territorial waters, undermining the livelihood of our Northern fishing folk. In this connection I wish to emphasize that during the times of our civil war, the TN people were brothers in arm with our Northern populace in waging war against our Government. But when they confront something that affects their own livelihoods, then they conveniently forget their camaraderie and go at each other’s throats.

That is food for thought. When our Navy attempt to prevent the illegal fishing in our waters by TN fishermen they clash with them disobeying warning to desist from invading our territorial waters. When in such clashes TN fishermen sustain injuries they make a big fuss about it and rush to New Delhi carrying their tales of woe. This is the pattern that has been long unfolding. Additionally they stage protests to pressurize New Delhi to take action against the Government of Sri Lanka. New Delhi, heavily dependent on TN Government support for political reasons invariably stricture our Government to handle this issue with restraint stressing humanitarian concerns.

But New Delhi does not take into consideration that TN fishermen’s actions badly affect the livelihoods of our own Northern fishing community. That is not their concern it seems. That is not an acceptable position. But when India react in this manner, the Sri Lankan Government has admittedly to submit to their requests or more precisely their demands. The fact is we are no match to India’s military might. This is akin to the law of the jungle – the strong bully the weak.

As you have rightly pointed out in your editorial, what if the boot is on the other foot? I wish to emphasize that India, our immediate neighbour and Big Brother, should ensure that TN fishermen don’t transgress the International Maritime Boundary accepted by all countries. If they don’t fall in line, their coast guard must enforce compliance. If that is done the problem will not recur and there will be no cause for displeasure or clashes between our Navy and TN fishermen.

I hope our Government emphasize this point when we have discussions with India in future with regard to this irritating issue.

KM Suraweera,

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