
Mother…her pillar of strength




Minanga Abeyesundere

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had readers inquiring whether it’s possible for me to do a little Chit-Chat scene with the spotlight on some of our models as that would also make interesting reading, they say.

Well, why not…and this week I’m doing just that, with more to follow.

01. Tell me something about yourself:

My name is Minanga. I’m 20 years old. My close friends and family call me Mini. I have completed my degree in Visual communication and currently focusing on my modelling career. I’m the youngest in my family. I am a person who sets certain goals for myself and will definitely try my very best to achieve them the right way. I generally don’t give any thought to people’s negative words and opinions. I love to travel with my family and cherish my time spent with them.

02. What made you decide to be a model?

I have always liked to do modelling for as long as I can remember. Then, as I grew older and taller, than most people my age, my friends and relatives kept telling me to go into modelling. This made my desire stronger to pursue this field. I decided to first start my studies and then, subsequently, start my modelling career. I must state that it was Brian Kerkoven who saw my potential and gave me a chance to show my talents and capabilities. My first runway show was modelling one of Brian’s designs. I will always be thankful to my mentor and agent, who has taught me everything I know about this field. He is always willing to give his feedback whenever I ask him.

03. What do you think sets you apart from other models?

I would say I give my 100% to every show and photo shoot and am always willing to learn from my senior models. I can adapt to different styles and looks, whether it’s high fashion, casual, or even themed shoots.

04. What clothing do you prefer to model?

As a model, one cannot really have a preference, but I prefer not to model very revealing clothing. That is my personal preference.

05. What do you think is the most important aspect of modelling?

I believe that as a model, you must always remember to model every outfit to do full justice to the hard work that has gone into making it by the designer and their team.

06. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Minanga: Currently focusing on her
modelling career

I don’t really want to change anything about myself. I am very happy with myself. My flaws, despite their imperfections, are what make me who I am.

07. School?

Holy Family Convent, Bambalapitiya. I was in the basketball ball team for a short period.

08. Happiest moment?

There have been so many wonderful moments in my life that it’s hard to choose just one! But if I had to pick, I would say one of my happiest moments was when I achieved a personal goal that I had been working towards for a long time. It was such a fulfilling feeling to see all my hard work pay off, and to know that I had accomplished something meaningful to me.

09.What is your idea of perfect happiness?

My idea of perfect happiness is doing what I’m passionate about and living in the present moment because, if you really think about it, that’s all we have. It’s always only that present moment. It’s all about being happy in that moment and making the best of it.

10. Your ideal guy?

A person who is confident enough in himself to give me the freedom to follow my dreams and goals.

11. Which living person do you most admire?

The person I admire the most is none other than my mother. She has always been my biggest motivator, supporter, and pillar of strength. She has always supported me in following my dreams and never discouraged me from pursuing my interests, providing me with invaluable advice whenever needed. My mother has such a significant influence on every aspect of my life. She has been there for me through thick and thin, guiding me and teaching me valuable life lessons. I will always be grateful for her presence.

12. Which is your most treasured possession?

My most treasured possession, up until now, is an emerald ring I got from my mum, which she had from her childhood. As we are both May born, we share the same birthstone.

13. If you were marooned on a desert island, who would you like as your companion?

I would love to have my brother and sister as my companions. They’re always there for me, and we have so much fun together. We could keep each other company, come up with creative ways to survive, and keep each other’s spirits up.

14. Your most embarrassing moment?

It’s a secret for me to know and you to find out.

15. Done anything daring?

Not anything as of now but there are some on my list, like sky diving, travelling overseas alone which I would love to do.

16. Your ideal vacation?

Spending a weekend at Kandalama Hotel. I love the vibe there. I also love the architecture of the hotel and how it blends into the jungle around it. It’s so calming and peaceful.

17. What kind of music are you into?

I like pop music and even music from the ’80s.

18. Favourite radio station:

I don’t really listen to the radio. If I do, it’s in the car with my family, and we listen to Gold FM. I would say I am an old soul when it comes to music.

19. Favourite TV station:

I’m also not a person who watches TV. I watch Netflix movies, and movies at the cinema. I love watching movies with my mum. She is my movie buddy.

20. Any major plans for the future?

Yes, first, I want to be a supermodel, here in Sri Lanka, then model internationally and bring pride to my country. I also want to start up my own business in Merchandising.

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